Who We Are

Who We Are

Who We Are

Westa Machine Company was established in 2014 with the aim of supplying road and construction machinery, and relying on the technical knowledge and available facilities, it has the ability to provide technical advice and services in this field.

What We Do

What We Do

In the past one decade, we have expanded our business to a wide range of areas, including construction and mining equipment, port machinery, oil drilling machinery. We keep exploring more possibilities to expand our reach and innovate our way of doing business as well as to raise the standard and answer the call for new market needs.


Working on the Future

Working on the Future

Westa Machine is a forward-looking company that was born in a time of change and now looks for any opportunity in those changes that will lead the way to the future.

We are unleashing the power of data in the connectivity of machines, realizing smart manufacturing and autonomous operation with some models.

The efforts to add a new electric product portfolio makes Westa Machine stand out in today’s digital world and is also part of our sustainable solutions.